Taking the LRT? Beware of Pickpockets

I know you love to travel but when you do, always be vigilant. Always. You’ll never know when bad guys going to hit you. Give them a single chance, they will take it.

I’ve got my fair share of experiences with them. The last time was when they worked up on me when I was going home from the office back in 2010. They got my phone just before disembarking – in under three seconds.

Yes, they are that good.

Now, before you say I’m short and skinny like you who can force yourself away from them when they hit you. Spare your life, don’t do it.

I don’t want you to experience how good they are so I’m sharing a reminder from the LRTA Management that reads:

Beware of pickpockets. Passengers are reminded to be vigilant and mindful of their personal belongings and valuables while inside LRT trains, stations, and terminal.

The LRTA Management will not be responsible for any lost valuables.

LRT Safety Reminders

LRT Safety Reminders (Photograph by Philippine Railways)

Stay safe, wanderers!

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