5 Levels of Accommodation Standards

One Star. Two Star. Three Star. Four Star. Five star. Confused? Read on if you want to know how the Department of Tourism (DOT) implements the five star grading system.



Signed by Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez Jr., the DOT released  Memorandum Circular 2012-02 that institutes a points-based rating system based on inventory, availability, condition, and quality of a specific facility, as well as its service. This new “five star grading system” is part of its newly issued National Accommodations Standards.

The highest number of points that can be garnered by an establishment is 1,000 points. A budget hotel or one star facility needs to garner a minimum of 251 points in its assessment.

One Star: 25 percent to 40 percent achievement (251 to 400 points)—These enterprises appeal to budget minded travelers. There is a limited range of facilities and services.

Two Star: 40 percent to 55 percent achievement (401 to 550 points)—These enterprises appeal to the tourists seeking more than basic accommodation. They offer expanded facilities and higher level of comfort.

Three Star: 55 percent to 70 percent achievement (551 to 700 points)—These enterprises offer a very good level of accommodation. There are more spacious public areas, higher quality facilities and a greater range of services.

Four Star: 70 percent to 85 percent achievement (701 to 850 points)—These properties are upscale in all areas. Accommodation is refined and stylish. Service is responsive, often including an extensive array of facilities.

Five star: 85 percent to 100 percent achievement (851 to 1,000 points)—These properties reflect the characteristics of luxury and sophistication. The facilities are world class in every manner and the meticulous service exceeds all guest expectations.

Looking for a Six Star and Seven Star accommodation? As of this writing, no organization or formal body awards or recognizes any rating over five star.

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