Hundred Islands

Our Tundol White Beach experience was so fun! But our Pangasinan tour wasn’t over yet. This time, we head to Hundred Islands National Park!

Hundred Islands National Park is situated in northern Philippines in the province of Pangasinan. According to Wikipedia, there are 123 islands during high tide and 124 islands during low tide. Of those, only three of them have been developed for tourists: Governor Island, Quezon Island, and Children’s Island.

The park is protected by the government, preserving its clear water and clean surroundings. The water is so clear that even at the shallower part of the surrounding waters you could literally swim with schools of adorable and colorful fish.

Inside our ride going to Hundred Islands

Inside our ride going to Hundred Islands

Some of the Hundred Islands

Some of the Hundred Islands

If you’re planning to visit Hundred Islands National Park, here are some tips:

  • Travel time from Manila to Hundred Islands National Park is around four to five hours
  • Get a bangka at the National Park, it will cost between 1,100 to 2,000 pesos, depending on your trip’s route
  • Day tour in the islands costs 20 pesos and night tour will cost 40 pesos
  • Be sure to wear something light and easy to dry apparel
  • Put on sunblock, it is a must since you will be under the scorching sun almost the whole trip
  • Bring your own life vest if you’re not comfortable with the ones for rent
  • If you like underwater scenery, bring a snorkel gear or you may rent there
  • Bring extra batteries for your camera!

Do you have more tips for us? Please share them at the comments below.

Us goofing around when we made a stop in Barangay Macaleeng, looking for a cheap bangka to Hundred Islands

Us goofing around when we made a stop in Barangay Macaleeng, looking for a cheap bangka to Hundred Islands

While taking the ride to the park we first thought we could get a bangka in Barangay Macaleeng that would take us to Hundred Islands for a cheaper price. We headed there but when we arrived, looked for bangkeros, we saw their bangka looks too shabby. We were scared, doubting its capability to safely transport us. So after some talks we decided to get a bangka at the park instead.

A line of bangka for rent in Hundred Islands

A line of bangka for rent in Hundred Islands

Arriving at the park, we easily saw a line of boats for rent. The boats look sturdy enough, a lot better the the ones in Barangay Macaleeng. The bangka ride plus snorkel gears cost us 1300 pesos.

Our bangka a few meters away from the shore going to Hundred Islands

Our bangka a few meters away from the shore going to Hundred Islands

It’s my first time to ride a boat with my South Spiral friends and I enjoyed every moment of it. We were all smiles during the entire boat ride going to our first stop. The scenery was so beautiful!

Us inside our boat going to Marcos Island

Us inside our boat going to Marcos Island

Our first stop was Marcos Island. It was around noon when we arrived there so we immediately looked for a good place to stay. After settling in, we had our lunch (mostly spaghetti and bread).

A photo of us just as we arrived in Marcos Island

A photo of us just as we arrived in Marcos Island

After eating, we talked a little bit and did some swimming. Using our snorkel gears, some of us swam a bit farther. The water at the farthest I went could possibly be around six to seven feet deep, where I found myself (for the first time!) swimming with colorful schools of fish by my side. It was so cool!

Use trekking in Marcos Island

Use trekking in Marcos Island

After a bit of swimming we walked around the island. The island has an uphill climb where at the top we found the opening of a cave where visitors are allowed to jump to the water below.

Us going inside the cave to jump to the water below

Us going inside the cave to jump to the water below

I think the water below is around 15 feet far from us. We were scared at first but we conquered our fear and yes, we jumped!

Us after the first jump inside the cave in Marcos Island

Us after the first jump inside the cave in Marcos Island

We had the jump of our lives! That experience will never be forgotten. All of us took our turns and jumped. The sheer joy of jumping into the water like children was so fun!

Us going back to the shore from the cave where we jumped

Us going back to the shore from the cave where we jumped

Our jump would have been a lot less fun had Melissa, Jason, and Jeffrey didn’t jump with us. I’m glad they did.

Us going to Quezon Island from Marcos Island

Us going to Quezon Island from Marcos Island

After that, we packed our things and headed to our second stop – Quezon Island. The island is famous for underwater scenes where visitors snorkel to see giant clams and different kinds of fish. When we stopped there, we saw how beautiful it was!

Pinoy Big Brother House in Hundred Islands

Pinoy Big Brother House in Hundred Islands

After snorkeling in Quezon Island we headed to our third and last island stop – Governor’s Island. Hundred meters away from the island, we saw the yellow house of Pinoy Big Brother.

Us taking a picture after arriving in Governor's Island

Us taking a picture after arriving in Governor’s Island

We decided to go to the top of the island first before taking a picture beside Big Brother’s house.

Us walking to the top of Governor's Island

Us walking to the top of Governor’s Island

It was quite an easy walk to the top, where the island’s view deck is located, as there were some concrete stairs.

Us at the view deck of Governor's Island, overlooking some Hundred Islands

Us at the view deck of Governor’s Island, overlooking some Hundred Islands

The view from the the top is gorgeous! I like to smell the fresh air, too.

Us beside Pinoy Big Brother's House

Us beside Pinoy Big Brother’s House

After some taking picture at the view deck, we walked down to Big Brother’s house and took some pictures.

Us beside a lighthouse with spiral stairs

Us beside a lighthouse with spiral stairs

It’s time to go home now. But not without taking a picture of us beside the lighthouse with spiral stairs. Haha!

Us going inside our ride home with the lighthouse at background

Us going inside our ride home with the lighthouse at background

Hundred Islands National Park

Phone: +63-75-5512505 / +63-75-5527406 / +63-75-5512145

Have you been to Hundred Islands? What’s your story?

One Response

  1. dong ho 14 years ago

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