Top 10 Foreign Visitors in the Philippines

Wonder who the top 10 foreign visitors in the Philippines? Read on as we list where the bulk of tourists are coming from, the Philippines’ biggest source of inbound tourists.

Top 10

Taken February 6, photo shows the White Island, an uninhabited white sandbar in Mambajao, Camiguin

Beautiful destinations coupled with English-speaking hospitable Filipino people, Philippines is one of the preferred destinations in Asia. Foreigners can’t resist the beautiful beaches and enchanting mountains of the Philippines.

Rank Country 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
1  South Korea 497,936 740,622 925,204 1,031,155 1,165,789
2 United States 582,537 600,165 624,527 652,626 674,564
3  Japan 324,980 358,744 375,496 412,474 433,705
4  China 155,019 187,446 243,137 250,883 426,352
5  Chinese Taipei 102,274 142,455 181,738 216,511 139,099
6  Australia 132,330 147,469 170,736 191,150 213,023
7  Singapore 98,305 121,083 740,622 148,215 175,034
8  Canada 99,012 106,345 117,423 123,699  131,381
9  Hong Kong 122,786 133,746 112,106  126,008
10  United Kingdom 91,009 96,925 113,282 122,759
11  Malaysia 68,679 79,694 114,513 109,437
12  Germany 55,912 58,725 70,949
13  India 32,817 34,581 42,884
14  Guam 39,323 40,928
15  Thailand 34,212 36,713


As of 2011 figures, South Korea remains to be the strongest single market for tourism with 925,204 arrivals, accounting for a 23.62 percent share of all visitor volume.

Not far behind are visitors from the United States, the second-largest tourist market. U.S. visitors totaled 624,527 for 15.94 percent of all tourist traffic.

Ranking in 3rd, 4th, and 5th, respectively, Japan totaled 375,496 visitors or 9.59 percent share, China totaled 243,137 or 6.21 percent, and Taiwan totaled 181,738 or 4.64 percent.

Rounding up the top 10 are Australia which ranked 6th, Singapore at 7th, Canada at 8th, Hong Kong at 9th, and the United Kingdom at 10th.

READ: In Numbers: Inbound Visitors in the Philippines


South Korea has replaced United States and Japan in the top slots on the number of tourist arrivals in the Philippines. For them, it really is more fun in the country with over 1,000,000 arrivals from January 1 to December 5, taking the top spot for the second year.

Second on the list is United States with 371,122 visitors. Third is Japan with 371,122 visitors. China at fourth with 312,395 visitors. Australia at fifth with 181,585 visitors. Canada with 123,404 visitors. Chinese Taipei with 101,162 visitors. Singapore with 97,927 visitors. United Kingdom with 97,371 visitors. Rounding the tenth spot is Malaysia with 97,134 visitors.


After overtaking the United States and Japan the previous year, South Korea is still the top source of tourist in 2014. The United States, Japan, and China also retained their rankings from 2nd to 4th, respectively.

Meanwhile, Australia and Singapore rank 5th and 6th, respectively, and both outnumbered Chinese Taipei this year who dropped to 7th place.

Rounding up the top 10 are Canada, Hong Kong, and United Kingdom.



2 Responses

  1. melvin 13 years ago

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